Kućni poslovi na engleskom jeziku

Kućni poslovi na engleskom jeziku

Kućni poslovi na engleskom jeziku

Kućni poslovi su nešto što svi moramo da radimo, a niko ih baš mnogo ne voli. Ali, možete da napravite da budu zanimljivi, tako što ćete naučiti kako se kažu na engleskom. Evo liste reči koja vam može biti korisna. Kućni poslovi na engleskom:


Clear the table – raspremiti sto (posle jela)

Let’s clear the table so we have space to play cards.


Clean up your room – raspremiti i očistiti sobu

I was angry at my roommate – he has never cleaned up the room!


Do ironing – peglati

Men don’t like to do ironing.


Do laundry – oprati veš

I hate doing laundry. I always use too much laundry detergent.


Do the washing up  – oprati sudove

Mom cooks and dad does the washing up.


Dry up – obrisati sudove

If you have a dishwasher, you don’t need to do drying up, because the machine does it.


Dust – i glagol i imenica; obrisati prašinu, prašina

I dust weekly.

We have dust in our attic.


Fix up – ima dva značenja:

1) popraviti nešto:   I have to fix up this, my parents are coming tonight.

2)srediti nešto da lepo izgleda:    Fix up your room, it looks terrible.


Hang the washing – staviti veš na konopac da se suši

I can’t hang the washing outside in winter.


Make breakfast/ lunch/ dinner – pripremiti doručak, ručak, večeru

I am going to make dinner tonight.


Make the bed – namestiti krevet

Do you make your bed every morning?


Mop the floor – obrisati pod

Do you use chemicals when mopping the kitchen floor?


Mow the lawn – pokositi travnjak

I mow the lawn every month.


Scrub – oribati

I scrub the toilet every week.


Set the table – postaviti sto

When setting table, where does the dessert spoon go?


Sweep the floor – počistiti pod metlom

I bought a new broom. I am going to sweep the floor.


Take out the trash – baciti đubre

Could you please take out the trash after dinner?


Tidy up – srediti

We need to tidy up the apartment after the party.


Vacuum – usisati

I will vacuum my room tomorrow.


Load the dishwasher – napuniti mašinu za sudove

Why are these dirty plates on the table? Don’t be lazy, load the dishwasher!


Broom – metla

You cannot clean up liquid with a broom.


Bleach –  izbeljivač

I spilled wine on my white T-shirt. I will try to remove the stain with bleach.


Detergent – deterdžent

How much laundry detergent should I use?


Household chore –  kućni posao

I hate doing household chores.


Takođe, ovde možete naučiti još zanimljivih reči: voće i povrće .